Thursday, January 3, 2008

Under construction

Coming soon....

Project 365....



MaryD said...

Hey Laura! I'm so behind in reading everyone's blog, but am glad to know how to find you in '08! I just added this spot to my google reader... and to my sidebar too, let me know if you'd rather not have it on the sidebar though!

Colleen said...

Hmmm, I just posted a comment but it's not showing up. Any-hoo, I'm wondering why you're switching from lauraliz365 to this site and if others are using new blog titles, too. I guess I thought it'd be easier to just carry on as-is, but maybe I'm missing something...?

LauraLiz said...

Colleen, I just thought it would be better to break it up into years, especially since I'm not exactly sure how this one will morph. I may end up going back to the same one. Not much in my life is set in stone right now...I'm experimenting!

And Mary, it is fine to have me on the sidebar. If I change back to the other blog, that will be the last switch, I promise!