Sunday, January 13, 2008

Crowder Mountain State Park: Part 1

Phase I of my hike was a 2.5 mile "strenuous" walk through lovely trees in winter dress. The path was covered with leaves, and although parts were pretty steep, I was feeling good about my abilities on a "strenuous" trail.

At the end of the 2.5 mile trail, another 1/2 mile (including 336 steps) brought me to the summit of Crowder Mountain. I sat on some big rocks and had lunch, watching two young men scare themselves silly trying to get photos of each other standing as close as they dared to the edge.

Then it was decision time. Go down to the closer parking lot and beg a ride back to my car? Go back the way I came? (Long and by now fairly boring.) Go back via Rocktop Trail? (shorter--1.5 miles--but pretty much NOT recommended by the guy who gave me my map) Well, what would you have chosen?

1 comment:

Colleen said...

Oh, I wish I could hike with you, Laura. Other than my running, I'm getting very little time outside of late ~ and of course trails here are not *nearly* that dry. I like all these pics you shared from today's hike. I take it you went the "not recommended" route back down? That's probably what I would've done. Though I'm not above linking up with strangers if the need arises. As a matter of fact, this past summer Hans and the boys LEFT ME on my own at a lake up at Mount Baker (they allegedly thought I'd hiked down...?) and I hiked down with two young guys.