Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Paths We Trod--Part 2

Continuing yesterday's musings, sometimes our paths are sun dappled, making the uphill climb a little easier....
Sometimes we catch sight of an easier way....but is it the better route?

And sometimes the path goes steeply downhill, with treacherous footing.

The trail I hiked Saturday was varied, but characterized by wet leaves covering roots and rocks, making it necessary to pay careful attention to foot placement. Sometimes even that did not prevent mishaps...on one big, smooth rock that sloped downhill, I chose what looked like the drier portion. My feel flew out from under me and I landed hard on my seat and hands. To everyone's amazement, I wasn't hurt, but it reminded us all how easy it is to slip (and how we can learn from others....everyone else chose a different part of the rock to walk on!!).

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